+ Publications and Awards

We believe in a sustainable world. Discover how we have transformed urban spaces with innovative and sustainable design. Explore our achievements and commitment to a more responsible future. Learn more below!

Coautor de; Ecotonos, Ocupaciones y apropiaciones de los espacios intermedios. Barcelona, España. 2017

Italy 2018
Investigation in the form of a trial selected as part of the expository contents of; BECOMING, in the Spanish pavilion of the Venice Biennale, Italy 2018.
Spain 2017
Co-author of; Ecotones, Occupations and appropriations of intermediate spaces. Barcelona, Spain 2017.

Investigación a manera de ensayo seleccionada como parte de los contenidos expositivos de; BECOMING, en el pabellón español de la Bienal de Venecia, Italia 2018.

Chile 2019
XXI Biennial of Architecture and Urbanism of Chile, held in Santiago de Chile, Chile 2019.

XXI Bienal de Arquitectura y Urbanismo de Chile, celebrada en Santiago de Chile, Chile. 2019.

Latin America 2020
Designer and leader of the certification process of the urban project VIVERO PARQUE RESIDENCIAL before the USGBC / GBCI.

Achieving the first certification for LEED for Cities and Communities - Plan and Design, V4.1 in Latin America, GOLD level.

Latin America 2021
Winning project of the USGBC leadership Award for Latin America in the year 2021.

Distinction that recognizes those whose vision, leadership and commitment have been fundamental for the evolution of our industry in sustainable construction.

EE.UU 2021
Articles in mention
Building an equitable LEED community in Colombia
EE.UU 2023
Articles in mention
Year in review: GBCI Latin America in 2022.
Colombia 2024
Leader of the certification process of the urban project ENCANTO DEL VALLE before the USGBC / GBCI.

Achieving the certification for LEED for Cities and Communities - Plan and Design, V4.1 in Latin America, SILVER level.

Colombia 2024
Leader of the certification process of the urban project PARQUE DULCE before the USGBC / GBCI.

Achieving the certification for LEED for Cities and Communities - Plan and Design, V4.1 in Latin America, SILVER level.

Colombia 2024
Leader of the certification process of the urban project LA POLA before the USGBC / GBCI.

Achieving the certification for LEED for Cities and Communities - Plan and Design, V4.1 in Latin America, SILVER level.

Colombia 2024
Articles in mention